Your registration process is easy.
1. Sign up on the website for all seminars of one location, which you like to attend by adding them all to the shopping card
2. Click the shopping card symbol
3. Click register now
4. Enter your details
5. Confirm your details.
After your successful registration you will receive an automatic e-Mail confirmation, which confirms the receipt of your registration. Please check your SPAM folder. If you do not receive the confirmation within one hours please contact the event coordinator, so that we can make sure your registration arrived.
Movie how to sign up
How is the whole registration process
1. You sign up successfully
2. You receive the registration confirmation e-Mail which includes the payment details according to your payment method.
3. Clear the payment of the Conference package according to the payment information
4. You will receive a separate email with further information and the Seminar fee payment link.
5. Read the information carefully
6. Pay the seminar fee
7. You will receive an email with the electronical contract
8. Fill out the contracts. (You do not need to print them.)
Whom do i contact if...
i have a question regarding my registration?
If you have a question regarding your registration you should contact the corresponding Event Coordinator.
I would like to apply for Teachers Assistant or Scholarships?
Use the Form in Contact Us to apply to be an Assistant or to apply for Scholarships. Be informed that the applications are only considered till one Month prior the event. Be also aware that the decision can be short notice.
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